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Foton South Africa Strategy & New Products Launched

Date:2024-07-01 Author:Skye Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On 26th June, BEIQI FOTON South Africa Strategy Release and New Product Launch Ceremony was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. BEIQI FOTON unveiled the "ICE+BEV" dual-line product forces and announced the launch of the South African "Lighthouse Plan", aiming to make South Africa a benchmark market in Africa through the integration of the whole industrial chain, such as local manufacturing, network, service, spare parts, finance and new energy. The release is a quick action against the backdrop of BEIQI FOTON's Africa strategy, which has just been released, signaling that BEIQI FOTON's localized development in Africa will enter an accelerated channel, and marking the full opening of the localization and electrification in South Africa.

During the ceremony, BEIQI FOTON unveiled the new fuel version of pickup truck and lightweight truck, as well as pure electric version of light trucks, mini trucks, and VAN (mini bus, taxi version) series, which cover modern urban logistics, the "Last-Mile" and other logistics scenarios, injecting new vitality into South Africa's commercial vehicle industry. Pickup trucks are one of the most in-demand and best-selling models in South Africa, which are mainly used for agriculture and other multi-functional transport purposes. The newly released TUNLAND G7 pickup is equipped with BEIQI FOTON's self-developed AUCAN engine, offering power output and fuel efficiency on par with Japanese and American products, while also providing superior quietness. TUNLAND G has passed EU WVTA certification and have been listed in Europe, and its excellent product power will lead the South African market to upgrade.

The MILER is FOTON's new generation of lightweight truck, adhering to the design philosophy of being attractive, easy to drive, intelligent, and high-quality. It features a stylish and refined appearance, high performance, and flexibility. With a minimum turning radius of 5.1 meters and a height of only 2.065 meters, it easily navigates urban driving, parking, and U-turns. This makes it an ideal solution for high-quality, efficient, and flexible urban terminal logistics transportation for South African small and micro businesses, and self-employed owners.

BEIQI FOTON has introduced a range of pure electric products, including the eAUMARK light truck, the eVIEW VAN cargo version, and the eTruck Mate. These launches aim to leverage FOTON's advanced electric vehicle technology to create a zero-emission, differentiated product matrix for the "Last-Mile". With advantages in short-distance efficiency, high load capacity, and eco-friendliness, FOTON is poised to accelerate its presence in South Africa's electric express delivery market.

Deepening Local Manufacturing to Establish an African "Lighthouse" Benchmark

BEIQI FOTON has unveiled its South Africa strategy, introducing the "Lighthouse Plan" to advance a dual approach in commercial and passenger vehicles. This strategic plan focuses on expanding local manufacturing, service, and parts infrastructure, bolstered by the introduction of both ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) and BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) product lines. By establishing a comprehensive dealer network, BEIQI FOTON aims to position South Africa as a pivotal hub for manufacturing, R&D, marketing, training, and parts distribution across the African continent. This initiative not only meets local market demands but also sets a new standard for BEIQI FOTON's operations throughout Africa.

As the first overseas vehicle manufacturing base of BEIQI Group, BEIQI South Africa automobile manufacturing factory located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, is also the largest automobile manufacturing factory invested in South Africa in the past 40 years, with a total investment of US$226 million, and the first phase of the planned production capacity of 40,000-50,000 units per year, occupying an area of 540,000 square metres. Currently, BEIQI South Africa factory has already completed the production of BEIJING, BAIC and other BEIQI brand passenger vehicles, and will gradually introduce the production line of BEIQI FOTON commercial vehicles, and the first batch of medium and heavy-duty trucks and light trucks is expected to be put into production at the end of this year. Based on the open and co-operative attitude advocated by One Belt, One Road, BEIQI FOTON will work with local partners for win-win development and create value for social employment and economic development.

Running into the Market, Evolving a Green South Africa

As the second largest economy in Africa, South Africa is the largest automotive consumer market and production base in Africa. The market for pure electric products is showing great growth potential. Although the market has not yet exploded at this stage, whoever occupies a position first is expected to take the lead in the future market competition. The various pure electric commercial vehicles released this time are BEIQI FOTON's priority layout for the future electrified market in South Africa, which benefits from BEIQI FOTON's technology and operation experience accumulated in the global market for many years. As early as 2003, BEIQI FOTON started the research and development of pure electric commercial vehicle technology, independently researched and developed and mastered the core technology of three electrics, and realized the development of multiple routes of new energy technologies such as pure electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell, etc. The new energy products have already achieved the coverage of the whole series of commercial vehicles and have been customized to meet the international technical requirements. Its pure electric light trucks, VANs, buses and other electrified products have passed the EU WVTA certification, and have entered South America, Asia-Pacific region and developed European markets such as Germany, Italy and Poland. From the Chinese market, which is the most competitive market in the global electrification market, BEIQI FOTON has gone to the world, and will gradually promote the development of the commercial vehicle electrification industry in Africa and make the African market a new business card of Evolve to brighten up the world.

The "Lighthouse Plan" in South Africa is not only an important direction for BEIQI FOTON to deepen its cooperation in Africa under the Belt & Road to achieve win-win development with the local community, but also a "FOTON Solution" to promote the globalization strategy and the development of a green Africa in depth. BEIQI FOTON will continue to uphold the spirit of openness, cooperation and win-win cooperation, and work closely with local partners to make South Africa a lighthouse market in the African region, become a leading brand in the South African commercial vehicle market, promote the development of electrification of commercial vehicles in Africa, empower Green Africa, and write a new chapter of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation.


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