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SANY Sold 2,000 Units Light-weight Trucks in 52 Seconds

Date:2019-10-15 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On October 10, at 3:18 pm, SANY sold 2,000 units light-weight trucks with a total value of 516 million RMB in just 52 seconds.

On May 18, 2018, SANY rolled out its first batch of heavy-duty trucks. In an online sales promotion, the company sold 500 units trucks with a total value of 135 million RMB in just 53 seconds. Also in 2018, SANY’s online sales volume exceeded 6,000 units.

Currently, SANY Intelligent Heavy-duty Truck Production Base is still under construction. Upon its completion in May, 2021, it is able to generate over 150 billion RMB in revenue by producing 300,000 units intelligent heavy-duty trucks, 600,000 units diesel engines and 300,000 units driver’s cockpits for trucks.


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