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50 Trucks Jointly Developed by Foton and XCMG Shipped to Middle East

Date:2019-09-24 Author:Will Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On September 20, a grand ceremony was held in Xuzhou to mark the export of 50 units trucks jointly developed by Foton and XCMG. Sun Xiaojun, General Manager of XCMG, Wu Xiangqiu, Vice President of Foton International, Liu Guanghua, General Manager of Foton International Marketing Company, together with XCMG employees witnessed the historical moment.

In response to China’s central government’s call for going abroad, Foton and XCMG have been strengthening their cooperation in their overseas expansion. In April, 2018, Foton and XCMG signed an agreement for strategic cooperation. By taking full advantage of both companies, the new truck adopts Foton chassis and gets assembled at the production base of XCMG.

50 Trucks Jointly Developed by Foton and XCMG Shipped to Middle East

Currently, the trucks jointly developed by Foton and XCMG have been put into service in several construction projects launched by Chinese enterprises in Cambodia, Bangladesh and Guinea. In the near future, Foton and XCMG will continue to strengthen their cooperation and deliver trucks to serve more construction projects in the overseas market.


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