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50 Units Auman Trucks for Port Logistics to Arrive in Guangzhou for Operation

Date:2019-09-19 Author:Linda Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On September 11, Auman’s authorized distributor, Guangdong Tonghong Automobile Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Guangzhou Container Transportation Association. On the same day, the company secured a deal of 50 units Auman trucks for port logistics from Guangzhou Nansha Port.

50 Units Auman Trucks for Port Logistics to Arrive in Guangzhou for Operation

According to the distributor, the 50 units Auman trucks delivered to its customer will be mainly put into short-distance logistic service at Nansha Port.

Foton Daimler has rolled out Auman ETX, Auman GTX and Auman EST for logistic services within and without port. Achieving high reliability, long durability, high safety standards and energy efficiency, the three vehicles have already established a formidable presence at various ports.

50 Units Auman Trucks for Port Logistics to Arrive in Guangzhou for Operation

According to the statistics released by Chinese General Administration of Customs, China’s imports and exports reached 1.7 trillion RMB in value in the first seven months this year, up by 4.2% year on year. In response to the fast growing demand for logistic services in port areas, Foton Daimler has been working closely with such globally renowned suppliers as Cummins and FAST to develop more efficient and more integrated transportation solutions for port areas.


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