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200 Units Hongyan Self-dumping Heavy-duty Trucks Arrive in Bolivia for Operation

Date:2019-08-27 Author:Daisy Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On July 28, 2014, Bolivian president Morales drove a Hongyan self-dumping truck, leading a truck fleet of over 50 Hongyan trucks. The move officially marks the construction of SAN IGNACIO–PUERTO GANADERO highway.

200 Units Hongyan Self-dumping Heavy-duty Trucks Arrive in Bolivia for Operation

Five years later, on August 22, at the handover ceremony of 200 units Hongyan self-dumping trucks, president Morales spoke highly of the high quality of Hongyan trucks and the company’s unparalleled after-sales services. All the new Hongyan trucks will soon be put into service at various construction site across the nation, assisting the continued economic development in Bolivia.

200 Units Hongyan Self-dumping Heavy-duty Trucks Arrive in Bolivia for Operation


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