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396 Units Sinotruk Sanitation Vehicles Delivered to Senegal for Operation

Date:2019-08-15 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On August 8, a handover ceremony was held in Diamniadio International Convention Center to mark the delivery of 396 units sanitation vehicles made by CNHTC to their customers in Senegal.

396 Units Sanitation Vehicles Delivered to Senegal for Operation

Macky Sall, president of Senegal, Zhang Xun, Chinese Ambassador to Senegal, together with a number of distinguished guests attended the handover ceremony. In a speech, Macky Sall expressed his appreciation for CNHTC’s growing involvement in Senegal’s social and economic development in recent years.

Currently, CNHTC has already made a solid presence in Africa.


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