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Foton Delivers 42 Units AUMAN Sanitation Vehicles to Gambia

Date:2019-07-01 Author:Sarah Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On June 22, Foton delivers 42 units AUMAN sanitation vehicles (10 units garbage tank trucks, 22 units compressed garbage trucks, 3 units cargo garbage trucks, 1 unit barrier-clearance truck, 2 units sewage trucks, 4 units dump trucks) to its customer in Banjul, the capital city of Gambia. As the leading heavy-duty truck brand in the country, Foton made up 72.4% of the country’s import volume of vehicles in 2019.

KMC, Foton’s customer in Gambia, expressed its hope that it would strengthen its cooperation with Foton and help the infrastructure construction in the country.

Foton Delivers 42 Units AUMAN Sanitation Vehicles to Gambia


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