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145 Units Foton Heavy-duty Trucks Assist Infrastructure Construction in Guinea

Date:2019-06-26 Author:Linda Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On June 20, Foton delivered 145 units Auman heavy-duty trucks to Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. CMD Road Project in Guinea.

Cooperating with Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. for the first time, Foton rolled a one-stop transportation solution for CMD Road Project. The two companies also established strategic cooperation partnership.

CMD Road Project is to rebuild and expand Guinea No.1 National Road. As one of the key projects in Guinea, the road starts from the country’s capital Conakry and ends at Dabola with a total length of 367 kilometers. As the contractor of the project, Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. officially started the construction in April, 2018.

145 Units Foton Heavy-duty Trucks Assist Infrastructure Construction in Guinea

In recent years, Foton has been enjoying a fast growing reputation in Africa, playing an increasingly significant role in the construction of roads, railways, power plants, and ports as well as schools and hospitals. By working closely with China-Africa Investment Co., Ltd., it will help more African countries develop their economies.


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