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100 Units SHACMAN Xuande Trucks Delivered to Customers for Operation

Date:2019-05-24 Author:Will Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On May 22, SHACMAN delivered 100 units Xuande trucks to its customers Xinjiang Tianfu Yitong Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Fenghua Weiye Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. in Shihezi.

100 Units SHACMAN Xuande Trucks Delivered to Customers for Operation

According to SHACMAN, 50 units Xuande trucks are powered by diesel while the other 50 units by gas. The vehicle is particularly designed for transporting coals and daily necessities. Equipped with Yuchai engine, FAST transmission gearbox and Hande axle, Xuande truck delivers powerful performances and achieves high fuel economy.

The gas powered Xuande truck is mounted with a 1000-liter gas tank and is able to driving longer distances continuously. Thanks to the adoption of four-point air-suspension, the truck has greatly improved the travel comforts for truck drivers.


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