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125 Units Qingling Light Trucks to Arrive in Philippines for Operation

Date:2019-05-15 Author:Lindan Source:www.chinatrucks.com

On May 8, a total number of 125 Qingling light trucks boarded the train to Beibu Bay in Guangxi. Then, they will be shipped to Manila, the capital of Philippines.

125 Units Qingling Light Trucks to Arrive in Philippines for Operation
According to Wang Yupei, president of Zhongxin Nanxiang (Chongqing) Logistic Co., Ltd., all the trucks will arrive in Beibu Bay in just two days. The newly developed train-and-then-ship transportation will cut the time on the road by half compared with the past ship transportation route via Shanghai.

“In 2019, we will continue to strengthen our marketing efforts in the overseas market and boost our sales of Qingling trucks,” said Xia Zirong, president of Chongqing Import & Export Co., Ltd., the sales agent of Qingling trucks.

It is revealed that Qingling’s export volume of whole vehicles will exceed 3,000 units with a total export revenue of about 400 million RMB.


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