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Sao Paulo Attests to Efficiency of Allison Automatics in Fire Trucks

Date:2018-08-23 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Demanding greater agility in urban traffic to improve response times, São Paulo Fire Corps recently acquired 81 new fire trucks equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions.

Sao Paulo attests to efficiency of Allison automatics in fire trucks

The São Paulo Fire Corps now has 260 Allison-equipped trucks, which comprise 40 percent of its fleet. Among the trucks acquired in the latest bidding round are Volkswagen, Spartan and Iveco models equipped with water tanks, fire pumps, hydraulic ladders, lift platforms, foam provider systems, power generators, air compressors and wreckers. Including an Allison fully automatic transmission in the driveline will enable the chassis, body and pump to efficiently work together—improving uptime and performance.

“The advantages of using Allison automatic transmissions are great,” said Lieutenant Victor Augusto da Silva Nogueira, Head of the Department of Management and Projects at the Firefighters Supply and Maintenance of Operational Material Center.

“In addition to comfort, drivers also see great operational advantages when driving an automatic truck. They are fast in time of response, extremely agile in urban traffic and very reliable.”

Few activities require operational reliability and performance from vehicles as firefighting. Allison Automatics accelerate faster than manual or automated manual transmissions (AMTs) and provide superior launch for up to 35 percent faster acceleration and greater maneuverability. Behind the wheel, drivers are more alert and in tune with the vehicle, leading to increased control and improved safety.

"Automatic transmissions have always proved to be efficient in terms of reliability, maneuverability, safety and, above all, regarding the response time during operational events,” said Nogueira.

“Maintenance costs as well as preventive downtime are also significantly lower than trucks equipped with manual transmissions. It is also important to point out that in virtually three years of operations with these new vehicles, our trucks presented no corrective maintenance issues.” (www.chinatrucks.com)


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