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Beiben to Ship 90 Units Self-dumping Vehicles to Congo

Date:2018-03-12 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

Early March, Beiben announced that it has successfully secured a deal with Congo for delivering 90 units self-dumping vehicles Beiben 4038KZ with a total value of 35 million RMB to the country. According to the company, all the vehicles will be used for short-distance transport at various mines in Congo.

Beiben To Ship 90 Units Self-dumping Vehicles to Congo

After a thorough market research, Congo finally placed its order on Beiben, saying the vehicles made by the company will bring the highest returns to its business.

In 2018, Beiben will continue to strengthen its efforts to expand its presence in the overseas market. Having already built its production base ESI in South Africa, Beiben is now better positioned to provide whole-lifetime after-sales services for all its vehicles. (www.chinatrucks.com)


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