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Forland Gains Half the Market Shares of Light Duty Truck in Hebei

Date:2013-05-27 Author:dennis Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com : Hebei, a province with rich resources and big markets, is a hotspot for all major commercial vehicle makers. After visiting the market, journalist found that Forland trucks of Foton took almost half of the market.

Not only in Hebei, actually, Forland truck is the top light truck seller nationwide, with 22918 units sold in April alone, and the total market volume was 96127 in the same month.

After 16 years of developing, Forland has formed four products stages, and leads the industry in updating products standards. The company always surprise customers with advanced technologies and new products.

Hebei has been a major market for Forland for years. We could easily spot a Forland truck in the province. In some specific area, more than half of the trucks are Forland made.

The good market performance could be contributed to the wide range of products as well as the high value. Many customers refers Forland trucks as Jetta of light duty trucks.

Since the high end light duty trucks are enjoying more and more favor in the market, Forland will continue investing in this area as they always is. We believe Forland will be a major performer in this area as well.


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