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Beijing Releases Stricter Heavy-duty Vehicle Emission Standards

Date:2013-04-23 Author:Jennifer Chen Source:china auto review

www.chinatrucks.com: Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau released two sets of Euro VI equivalent emission standards for heavy-duty trucks and for non-road machineries on April 3, reported China News.

According to Li Kunsheng, director of the Motor Vehicle Department of the Bureau, Beijing will implement the phase II of Beijing V standards starting from September 2014, with On-Board Diagnostics monitoring NOx emissions of heavy-duty vehicles. 

The emission standards for heavy-duty trucks has been implemented since March 1 and that for non-road machineries will start from July 1 this year.

According to Li, 9,000 out of the 300,000 heavy-duty vehicles in Beijing are State IV and State V vehicles, mainly used as public buses and sanitary vehicles. The government will allocate ¥2,000 ($321) per vehicle for vehicle reform, and NOx emission load per vehicle will be reduced 60 percent after the reform.


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The government will stimulate vehicle elimination for State III or lower vehicles. “The subsidy for heavy-duty truck reform is much higher than that of small vehicles, and we plan to add more in the next stage,” said Li.

The government will suspend the registration for heavy-duty trucks that are not compliant with the new standards. And those non-road machineries with dark tail gas will be fined for ¥10,000-¥100,000 after July 1.


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