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China to Tighten Rules on Heavy Trucks

Date:2013-04-18 Source:China Daily

www.chinatrucks.com: The Ministry of Public Security will launch a campaign this month to curb the illegal behavior of truck drivers on expressways, the ministry said on Wednesday.

The campaign will focus on heavy trucks, longer combination vehicles, and vehicles transporting dangerous chemicals. Drivers that violate traffic rules, such as using lanes designated only to passenger cars, driving while fatigued, or parking illegally, will be punished.

The ministry will send law enforcement teams to major expressways, including those linking Beijing to Harbin, Shanghai, and Kunming.

The ministry will also issue regulations for engineering trucks in 36 major cities, and punish drivers that block license plates, run red lights, speed, or make illegal U-turns.



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京ICP备09021066号-10 Public security record number Public security record number:11010502036076