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Tan Xuguang: Consummate Incentive System for Emission-reduction of Internal Combustion Engine

Date:2013-04-10 Author:Song Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Before the convening of NPC & CPPCC, the State Council released the "Opinion of General Office of the State Council on Energy-saving and Emission-reduction of Internal Combustion Engine" (hereinafter short for "the Opinion") jointly drafted by MIIT and CICEIA. The reporter interviewed the President of CICEIA Tan Xuguang.



Tan Xuguang: Consummate Incentive System for Emission-reduction of Internal Combustion Engine

"Ecological environment concerns the happiness of the people, as well as the future of our descendants and nation." Said President Tan, "China has become the big country of producing and consuming internal combustion engines. The release of the Opinion plays the key role in energy-saving and emission-reduction, reflecting the high attention the Government pays to the development of internal combustion engines."

In President Tan's view, the Opinion clarifies the goal of improving internal combustion engine, and he said there should be economic incentive policies for accelerating the R&D of new technologies.

President Tan said CICEIA would take its historic responsibility to propel the development of internal combustion engines and play its role in the implementation of the Opinion.



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