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Heavy Truck Market to See Recovery

Date:2012-12-05 Author:Daniel Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com. The heavy truck market has remained the sluggish atmosphere since 2011 and the sales have slid by 30% in the first 10 months. Consensus has been reached that the industry had already hit the bottom and the most concerned question lay in when the market shall meet the recovery. It is believed that the whole market shall be improved in 2013 and the sales shall meet a rebound in the second quarter next year. The period between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 will be a good opportunity to be seized for the market distribution.

Three features are shown in the heavy truck stock, namely:
1) As a investment sector, the stock is influenced by economy and liquidity to a large extent;
2) The business performance and the stock possess relatively flexible nature;
3) Products are deeply homogenized and the industry is stable.

The investment opportunity of heavy truck stock is totally depended on the expectation on the industry.


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