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FAW GM Harbin Plant to Forge High Quality Jiefang Light Truck

Date:2011-05-23 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Starting ceremony of FAW Harbin Light Vehicle Company was held in Harbin Southern Industrial Park on May 17, 2011.


Starting ceremony
Starting ceremony

This is important for cooperation between FAW and GM, integrating GM advanced management experience and FAW over fifty-year manufacturing experiences. FAW GM Harbin plant was founded in May 27, 2009, and their first vehicle rolled off production line on Feb. 28, 2011.
World advanced automatic press line, welding line with high precision, portable CMM, nuts conveyor, CO2 bus bar, backdoor covering machine etc.
In addition, GM global management system is also introduced, including SWE training, global sixteen-step purchasing methods, supplier quality engineering system etc. to stimulate employees’ efforts and improve their quality.



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